1. Show students one of the following you-tube videos. Discuss what they see in the video based on expectations: https://youtube/SgikvRA8tYg
2. Clearly set the expectations of this center. Students must understand the fact that the time allocated for the read to self center must be independent reading.
3. Student is reading a book that s/he can read at least 3-5 words from each page.
4. Reading with the finger on the book.
5. Student is carefully using the book to make sure s/he does not damage it.
6. Student places the book flat down on the table.
7. Finger Rule – Finger must follow every word being read along with lip reading.
8. After the center time is finished the book is placed carefully in the students’ basket to be continued the next day.
9. Explain the I-PICK rule. Show them a video with the I-PICK song. https://youtube/pNmjXPV_Oko practice this song on a daily basis to drill the importance of the I-PICK + making them more alert for reading before they settle down and implement center rules.
10. Make them practice getting their basket placing it below their table and start reading immediately again and again until they are quick, quiet and on task. Then ask them to pack up and re drill this rule.
11. Finger Rule: When reading, the system expects the student to have their finger placed on the word they are reading. Students should receive a new leveled reader book every week based on the completion of their graphic organizer or product. They should be able to retell the story in oral/ written form. (If a student finishes a book before a week and their work evidences their comprehension, they may take a new story and choose a new activity to represent their understanding).
12. Dictionaries must be present on the tables of the students, in case, they don’t understand the meaning or pronunciation of the word they are expected to independently research, what the word means, and how to pronounce it.
13. Students should use their individual spelling dictionaries, whenever a new word is encountered they should note it down in their spelling dictionaries and try to challenge themselves to use it in their writing.
14. Ensure the leveled readers are sent home with students and keep track of what books go home using Reading Logs.
15. After reading for the allocated time period (using online stopwatch), students are then expected to choose from a variety of tasks to evidence their understanding and comprehension of the story. They are allowed to choose from a variety of graphic organizers placed inside the classroom, create their own project, write a summary, story map and cluster webs based on the comprehension skill for the week. i.e. if the skill of the week is sequencing of events, the student will sequence the events in the outcome of his/ her choice.
16. When filing in the organizer or project, the first thing they do is write their name, date and story title. The students must use pencil to complete their work. Display a graphic organizer on the board. Model the expectations of the handwriting and the neatness expected by the students. Show them an incorrect sample of writing by modeling on the white board and discuss what you don’t want to see. i.e. messy handwriting, incomplete sentences, text copied from the story, unfinished work and sloppy work.
17. Write neatly- no scratching, no lack of organization. (This needs to be modeled by the teacher to ensure the students understand the expectations of the final outcome). Show them what you mean by no scratching.
18. Handwriting must be legible- readable, clean and clear for any person to read and these standards of handwriting must be maintained throughout each and every task completed during the year.
19. Each student has an individual basket in class with their name tag on it. It should contain the Read to Self book + and activity of their choice in it. When the time is allocated for reading, the student should be reading only. They should not be writing or copying from their books.
20. When the time is allocated for the Graphic Organizer or activity, the students should be working and retelling in their own words, they should be attempting to complete minimum one box on the Graphic organizer or one element on their poster per period.
21. Take your time– In no circumstances is the student expected to complete reading the whole book in one session of the center, therefore it is explained to the students that they read and when the time is over they can continue reading from where they left off the next time they return to the Read to Self center. |