Stakeholders’ Roles and Responsibilities

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Stakeholders’ Roles and Responsibilities

The list below outlines some of the commitments all our stakeholders are expected to make but is not all-encompassing


DIPS-G leaders are expected to:

  • Share the OLP with the teachers, students, and parents
  • Communicate with all DIPS-G stakeholders on a daily basis
  • Monitor and adjust the plans for remote learning to ensure effective implementation
  • Provide all necessary support to faculty, staff, and parents during a forced closure
  • Support with any technical issues that may arise with the online platforms used to deliver remote learning content
  • Attend all necessary meetings either offsite or virtually as required

DIPS-G Homeroom and Subject Teachers are expected to:

  • Be available to students, colleagues, and parents during normal school hours and according to the school timetables for each class, with slight modifications as appropriate. (i.e. 7.30 am to 3.30 pm)
  • Document direct parent communication in D6 School Communicator and School Website
  • Connect with their students on a daily basis
  • Track students’ daily academic achievement and progress
  • Provide learning content that matches the regular curriculum content so there is a seamless transition on return to school
  • Deliver lessons according to school expectations and policy for online learning
  • Abide by daily class timetable
  • Communicate Learning Targets and describe Learning Activities for the week as per the Scope and Sequence on the go.
  • Take daily attendance of students and follow up on any absences
  • Assign meaningful academic work that is personalized to students’ academic needs
  • Collaborate with other members of the team or department to design remote learning experiences for student learning according to scheduled and/or agreed-upon collaborative planning time
  • Correct students’ work thoroughly and provide constructive feedback on students’ academic achievement

Specialist Teachers are expected to:

Physical Education:

  • Develop a bank of exercises and physical activities for students and share these with classroom teachers and families


  • Stay mindful of the resources and tools families may not have in their home, develop a bank of projects and activities for students and share these with classroom teachers and families


  • Stay mindful of the instruments or resources families may not have in their home, develop a bank of activities for students and share these with classroom teachers and families


  • Consider how speaking and listening activities will be demonstrated and assessed


  • Collaborate with colleagues in designing OLP experiences in accordance with schoolwide plans
  • Develop high-quality learning experiences
  • Communicate with and provide timely feedback to students and parents
  • Communicate the weekly learning and homework as per school agreements

Islamic Education:

  • Collaborate with colleagues in designing OLP experiences in accordance with schoolwide plans.
  • Develop high-quality learning experiences
  • Communicate with and provide timely feedback to students and parents
  • Communicate the weekly learning and homework as per school agreements

Teaching Assistants

  • Communicate regularly with classroom teachers to identify ways to support students and contribute to planning and instruction
  • Monitor students’ learning, record and report to teachers, and provide feedback to students, as requested by the teachers and teams supported

Correct students’ work thoroughly and provide constructive feedback on students’ academic achievement

SEND Team is expected to:

  • Maintain 1:1 communication with the assigned students/families via e-mail
  • Communicate regularly with the homeroom or subject teachers who teach the students on the caseload
  • Offer to scaffold or modify assignments, as per IEP recommendations, for students on their caseload to support subject or classroom teachers
  • Help subject or classroom teacher differentiate lessons and activities for the students on their caseload
  • Communicate regularly with students on their caseload and/or their parents to ensure they have success with online learning
  • Provide supplementary learning activities for students on their caseload who may benefit from additional practice to close academic and curricular gaps
  • Provide specific IEP related activities and offer appropriate scaffolding for students to achieve these

Correct students’ work thoroughly and provide constructive feedback on students’ academic achievement

Learning Support Assistants

  • Communicate regularly with classroom teachers to identify ways to support students and contribute to planning and instruction
  • Monitor students’ learning, record and report to teachers, and provide feedback to students, as requested by the teachers and teams supported
  • Collate evidence of home learning as evidence towards IEP targets being met

Correct students’ work thoroughly and provide constructive feedback on students’ academic achievement

School Librarian is expected to:

  • Communicate regularly with the teachers to support planning and facilitation of learning opportunities and lessons e.g. what subscriptions can be utilized
  • Collaborate with school administrators to continuously develop and update the department’s effective Online Learning Plan on the school website

Correct students’ work thoroughly and provide constructive feedback on students’ academic achievement


DIPS-G Parents are expected to:

  • Establish routines and expectations for their children to engage in the remote learning that has been set for them
  • Provide children with a safe environment that is conducive to learning, including access to the required technology
  • Communicate with the school through the agreed channels should they experience any technical difficulties and are unable to access the learning content
  • Monitor the time children spend engaging in both online and offline learning that forms part of the OLP
  • Provide emotional support to children by ensuring they have time for reflection, physical activity, conversation, and opportunities for play

DIPS-G students are expected to:

  • Dedicate appropriate time to learning
  • Communicate proactively and responsibly with teachers and peers during remote learning
  • Meet timelines, deadlines, commitments and due dates
  • Check in with their teacher to understand what they are learning and what they need to produce
  • Make sure they have everything they need to complete their work, including a quiet space that is free from distractions
  • Do their own work. Parents and helpers are encouraged to assist but should not do the work for the students
  • Keep healthy habits. Take suitable breaks away from devices, eat sensibly at regular meal times and go to bed at regular school day times