Kindergarten to Elementary School (Early Years: KG to Grade 2)
- Each spring, prior to class placements, all tiers of students are reviewed by SST.
- The SST, in collaboration with grade level teachers, makes appropriate class placements for all tiers of students (e.g., classroom teacher strengths, numbers of students at each tier, and the amount of support required by each student are considered in the placements).
- Student transition portfolios on each child are created and passed from last year’s teacher to next year’s teacher. Portfolios include all SEND documentation (Focus Reports, Learning Support Reports, Individual Learning Plans), past copies of report cards, and May/June assessments/student work to assist the new teacher in understanding each child.
- Documentation is updated and used to ensure consistency overtime.
- During in-service week of the new school year, the SST meets with each classroom teacher to review students at all tiers and the appropriate documentation (Focus Report, Learning Support Report, Individual Educational Plan) is given to the class teacher. As part of this process, strategies for intervention and support are shared.
- Within the first two weeks of the school year, the SST meets with all LSTs & LSAs and specialist teachers to review Tier 2 and 3 students. This meeting highlights key concerns and effective strategies.
- From this point, regular SST meetings are held and the team begins to monitor student progress in all tiers.